Pyramid Yastu

Simple geometric designs  like a Triangle, Pentagon, Hexagon etc., generate energy and radiation at different points within the figure. Maximum Energy is generated within the triangle and its center.
The fact that a geometric design radiates energy was known to the ancient Egyptians, 7,000-10,000 years ago. They utilized this Energy when they designed their pyramids. All the pyramids made today are based on the dimensions and the angles of the Great pyramid of GIZEH near CAIRO in Egypt called the CHEBOS PYRAMID or KUFU. The Greate pyramid is a solid structure with a base of 530 feet length each side and a vertical height of 500 feet. The two angles of the pyramid at the base are 58 degrees each and the third angle at the apex is 64 degrees.

1. The four triangular sides radiate Energy.2. The square base radiates Energy.3. The cosmic radiation and any radiation falling on the surfaces of Pyramid passes through the pyramid. This is because of the special and particular shape of the Pyramid.4.There are lines of force on the surface of the Earth.5.There is the Earth's Magnetic field.
All the above mentioned five Energy fields caused by the radiation, rays, fields of force etc., mingle with each other and  a New powerful energy field invested with great  magnetic power  is created.
This power is utilized  with the help of  different sizes of pyramids

Many applications have been made by installing 9x Pyramidical super dynamic plastic yantras in several industries/farm houses and large residential bungalows for minimizing the negative effect of Vaastu-deficiencies.
This has resulted into getting super natural help in solving many problems of houses/industries.
Vacating the property by tenants amicably.Decision of the court cases in favour of the company.Relief from unending litigation.Release of the pending loans /subsidy by the financial institutions.Injecting harmony in the labour/staff and officers of the industry.Achieving substantial increase in production/sale levels.Installation of plant and machinery in record time.Improving the understanding between partners/family members to a great extent.Remarkably improving the Labour Management relations and atmosphere of the company.
Pyramid Yastu Pyramid Yastu Reviewed by Unknown on 11:04 PM Rating: 5

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