Feng shui vastu

Feng Shui, the Chinese version of vaastu is supposed to be 4000 yrs old. Feng Shui comprises of two words Feng pronounced as 'Foong' meaning wind and Shui pronounced  as 'shway' meaning water.
Of two Schools of Feng Shui, the Compass school is particular about direction and guides what should exist in which direction, and the other Farm School is not particular about  direction.
According to Feng Shui  Yin & Yang  are basic components of universe and or responsible for creation and sustenance of all objects-living/Non-living. Chi is the force produced due to the interaction of Yin and Yang.Feng Shui believes with the manipulation of landscape we can get the best and balanced form of Chi.
Feng Shui believes that all the four directions should have different levels to create excellent Chi. They prefer the turtle mountains at the back, the green mountains representing the dragon on the left and the white tiger mountain on the right. The plain open land should be in front of the plot. This is supposed to be the best landscape where Chi is liberates in plenty.
Not only the landscape should liberate good Chi but the building should be such that the Chi moves slowly to continuously move towards the various directions in the building. The characteristics of Chi in every direction is different and can give you a particular gift which is necessary for the enrichment of life. Thus family, happiness, relationship, name, fame, children etc. are all possible when good Chi circulates in a related direction.

Feng Shui  believes that following gadgets can be of immense help in verifying and altering the characteristics of Chi.
There are 6 basic cures in the mode of Feng Shui Technology.
1. Mirrors                                               2 .Plants
3. Lights                                                 4. Fountains
5. Wind Chimes                                      6. Colors etc.
Minors represent a doubling of revenues for the business. That is why Restaurants are also fond of using mirrors to symbolize a busier environment . Inside a house or an office mirrors serve purposes, the bigger the mirror the better. they can balance an L shaped home or room. In business if property hung they can increase profits.
Plants on either side of entrance attract not only persons energy but also enhances financial prosperity for the residents.
The use of lights is another effective method of correcting imbalance of Industrial ventures associated with irregular shapes. Lights create balance and harmony within the surroundings. Crystal chandeliers are also excellent when in the center of home/offices which traditionally symbolizes the essence of the household.
Water represents wealth, abundance prosperity and riches. By placing water fountains ofwater element directions, it enhances family happiness, wealth, prosperity for the inmates.
Wind Chimes:
Wind Chimes intensify new career prospects, material relationship and also for enhancement of new business opportunities etc.
The choice of your house color can help to create a smooth household, harmony if you opt to apply the color schemes from the five elementary colors:
Red  : It denotes happiness, warmth, strength and force.
Purple : It is auspicious color, it is said to inspire respect.
Yellow: Stands for Power.
Green: Represents growth.
Blue: Represents hope.
Grey: Signifies balance and resolution of conflict.
Brown: Gives a heavy feeling.
Orange: Gives Happiness and Power.
White:Adds to Peace, happiness and creates smooth environment.
Feng Shui is gadget oriented. Where there are buildings which cannot be altered to suit vaastu, Feng Shui remedies can be tried whether it is small apartment or small business offices. The gadgets are not expensive and by trial and error one can find ideal placements.

Feng shui vastu Feng shui vastu Reviewed by Unknown on 10:53 PM Rating: 5

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