Want to paint the house? Of course, you can do it yourself without the need to use force builders. Of course, you need to pay attention and prepare a few things before you start painting. One thing you need to consider is the condition of the walls.
Quite often, there is a problem associated with the wall to be painted. Calcareous wall surfaces, peeling, moldy, or overgrown with moss. But do not panic. This problem is easily solved anyway.

Another case when the surface of the moldy walls or overgrown with moss. The walls must be scraped clean. Use cleaning fungus (fungicidal wash or moss). Next, wash with water to make sure the wall surface is free from acid that may remain.
Allow the wall to dry, after which the painting can begin. Painting new walls were no tricks. Wall surface must be cleaned of dirt by spraying high-pressure water. If it is completely dry, you please start painting. But, how to paint right away so that the results are satisfactory? Consider the following tips:
Before painting, empty room. Cover the floor and furniture with newspaper. Use newspaper and masking tape to seal plugs, switches, door frames and windows.
Avoid painting on rainy or humid weather. These conditions resulted in a layer of the paint film can not be formed optimally.
Before painting, make sure the wall surface is dry. Do not start painting the second coat before the first coat is completely dry. If this happens, the painting will fail because the cat melted and most of the paint is not dry will be interested in roll or brush.
Use plamir (wall filler) is not recommended to be applied across the surface of the walls outside and inside. Plamur will reduce the adhesion of paint to the walls.
If forced to use plamir to flatten the surface of the wall or cover fine cracks, use plamur minimum.
Use eye protection for the eyes is not directly exposed to the paint. Clean paint splashes on the skin with soap and water or skin cleanser.
Reviewed by Unknown
9:56 PM

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