Buying a home for the first time may be a challenging activity. However, it has sufficient cash and understanding of the market, and procedures to facilitate the process. There are a few things into consideration:

Financial condition, need to understand the costs incurred for:

Money sign so. Developers usually will determine the amount of money a sign so. But if you do not buy from the developer, for example, from the secondary market, property sellers can determine the sign so much money.
Developers will provide order form contained unit in which payment schedules so mark down payment and repayment. This schedule must be clearly written and approved by the seller and the buyer. The schedule of payment is very important when you finance a property with installment plans.

Advances, As mentioned above, you need to pay off the cash advance if you want to buy the property from the property Pengembang.Untuk purchased from the secondary market, the bank will typically determine the amount of payment to be paid directly to the seller, the amount ranges from 20% - of 50%.
You should be careful in managing this advance payment. Make sure beforehand that the credit agreement is approved by the bank, before you have already paid the down payment to the seller. This can be done by making the Sale and Purchase Agreements with vendors in front of the notary who says that you're just going to pay a deposit after the credit agreement is approved by the bank.

Installment. Ideally, the installments not exceeding one-third of your income
Notary fees for credit are legally binding. Find out the market price for the property you want. Get an indicative assessment of the Bank through property asset valuation survey to determine the legality of the sale price and the property in question. Value of property assets should be in accordance with the prevailing market price.

Legality is usually necessary documents such as the Land Certificate, Certificate of building construction permits, property tax letter, Selling Power of Attorney, Letter of Inheritance, and others. Furthermore, the bank will give a decision on the feasibility of the property to the loan agreement, if all the necessary documents have been completed. If not, then they will tell you more about the necessary documents.

Credit risk analysis
Before the home loan application is approved, the bank will analyze the credit to measure the ability of your installments. Typically, the monthly installment should not exceed a third of revenue husband, wife, or a combination. Verification will be made through examination of newspaper accounts over the last 3-6 months, to look at your monthly expenses. Interviews will also be conducted, coupled with kroscek referrals you give and so did the checks to the bank.

Credit agreement
Credit agreement made after all of the above conditions have been met. Once the credit agreement, the installment already paid can begin. After all installments paid, make sure you get a letter from the bank's Debt Repayment Original Certificate of Ownership and Property Unit as an official proof of ownership of your first home.
BUY A HOUSE BUY A HOUSE Reviewed by Unknown on 10:34 PM Rating: 5

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