Vastu for Entrance Gate

Entrance of a house explains every thing because this is the gateway from which energies constantly goes in and out. This important gate should be maintained with utmost care while direction should be appropriate to reap rich benefits. Specific directions decide fate of occupants and if unfortunately placed in wrong direction then remedies should be followed by traditional rituals prescribed.

All the negative and positive energies surround here and which is why is important to locate main gate in proper direction to maintain well-being and prosperity in house. Vastu tips for entrance are


  • Entrance of house is best in North and East sides.
  • Entrance gate should be heavier, stronger and bigger than other doors of house.
  • Keep the entrance clutter free and tidy to make the surrounding positive.
  • Entrance should never be dark and ensure that this place is well lit throughout.
  • Avoid keeping garbage or dustbin near the entrance.
  • Main should not make any creaky noise.
  • Main gate should never face intersecting roads.
  • There should not be any obstruction in the entrance gate with things like poles, tree, wires and vehicles.
  • Main door should always open inwards.
  • Entrance of house should not face temple.
  • Embellish main door with Om, Swastik, and flowers.
  • Avoid any under-water or septic tanks under the main entrance.
  • Lift of building should not face entrance.
  • No wall should obstruct in front of main gate.
  • Avoid self-closing door.
  • Best material for main gate is Teak.


Vastu for Entrance Gate Vastu for Entrance Gate Reviewed by Unknown on 4:13 AM Rating: 5

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