Favorite Friday Finds #5 and Shabby Apple Dress WINNER!

So I know the real question on everyones mind today...how times did everyone go back for Thanksgiving seconds? 



I did one BIG plate and then endless trips back for picking and snacking.

And today I don't think I can eat anymore...but I probably will. 

So go get your after Thanksgiving snack and feast your eyes on these beauties!

This first piece is from Cassie at Primitive and Proper

This piece is amazing!!!

Next from TwentySix and Home this vintage card catalogue. 

Make sure to check out the before...she did a fantastic job cleaning it up and maintaining it's rustic look.

And lastly from Love of Home this sweet hall table. 
I'm so in love with the color she chose.   

The distressing is perfect! 

Thanks for the great features ladies! 
Make sure to grab the featured button on the side bar...you deserve it!


And lastly the winner of the Shabby Apple Dress giveaway is

Ruri said...

Following you via GFC.

ruricloth at yahoo dot com
Favorite Friday Finds #5 and Shabby Apple Dress WINNER! Favorite Friday Finds #5 and Shabby Apple Dress WINNER! Reviewed by Unknown on 5:00 AM Rating: 5

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