Silver Drop + Ring Hanger Honey Chair + Sooyon Park

Honey Chair _ Stool

Honey Chair is a one of the stool from the ‘Honey Collection’. Legs are fabricated of stainless animate which is accessible to about-face with added appearance of legs in ‘Honey Collection’.

The legs accept a bendable appearance such as a bead of honey, but additionally it has a cord activity because of the material. Lathes adapted blocks of stainless animate into adjustable forms.This Chair is apparent in BMH Gallery in Seoul on March of 2010.

+ Dimensions ( L x W x H ) 350 x 400 x 520 (mm)Silver Drop + Ring Hanger Honey Chair +  Sooyon Park
Silver Drop + Ring Hanger Honey Chair +  Sooyon Park
Silver Drop + Ring Hanger Honey Chair +  Sooyon Park cool design
Silver Drop + Ring Hanger Honey Chair + Sooyon Park Silver Drop + Ring Hanger Honey Chair +  Sooyon Park Reviewed by Unknown on 7:08 AM Rating: 5

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