Pretty Linens from Lili Alessandra

We saw the bedding/decorative pillows/drapery line from Lili Alessandra in Dallas last week and we just fell in love.  It's  really pretty, but in a clean-lined, modern kinda of way.

If you like neutral colors, soft and pretty bedding you'll dig this line.  The best thing about it is you can get coordinating pieces for everything.  For example, you can order the headboard to coordinate with the bedding, drapery and so on...

Here are some samples:

We'll be posting this online in our decorative pillows and bedding section soon. In the mean time, if you would like pricing info please drop us a line...
Pretty Linens from Lili Alessandra Pretty Linens from Lili Alessandra Reviewed by Unknown on 11:16 PM Rating: 5

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