Needing a good clean...

My Mum is a lover of all things new, me, well I like a bit of both. Imagine my delight when she remembered she had stored a whole lot of vintage china and silverware from her Great Uncle's home that she really wasn't that interested in keeping for herself. She must of somehow known one day this would be right up my alley as she kept it all for me for years and years...

It's definitely not the kind of thing Mum would use to style her home with and was delighted when I was over the moon to see it loved in our little place. Three gorgeous little silver jugs are now gleaming in my home. Each of these were so black from not being cleaned for years and years but just with a little love and silver cleaner, they have come up beautifully.

I have shown you one here and will share the others with you all shortly. Kellie xx

Photos by Kellie Collis for Ada & Darcy x
Needing a good clean... Needing a good clean... Reviewed by Unknown on 11:45 PM Rating: 5

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